Marco Nereo Rotelli

Marco Nereo Rotelli was born in Venice in 1955, where he graduated in architecture in 1982.

For years, he has been pursuing research on light and the poetic dimension that Harald Szeemann defined as “an expansion of the artistic context.”
Rotelli has created an interrelation between art and different disciplines of knowledge. This has led to his involvement with philosophers, musicians, photographers, filmmakers, but primarily his relationship is with poetry, which has become a constant reference in his work over time.

In 2000, he founded the Art Project group, currently directed by Elena Lombardi and composed of young artists and architects, with whom he has carried out numerous interventions and urban installation projects.

His commitment has led him to participate in nine editions of the Venice Biennale, as well as numerous solo and group exhibitions.
He was invited by Northwestern University (Chicago) as an artist-in-residence in the winter of 2013.

His works are found in museums and important private collections around the world.
Some of the most important art critics, as well as poets, writers, philosophers, and personalities from the international cultural sphere, have written about him, contributing to a significant bibliography on his work.


  • Bio – An unusual visual account of the biography of the reference artist with the support of other artworks
  • Poetic –The skein of the red thread of poetics, of social commitment, of artistic characteristics that binds and connects artists is here dissolved
  • History – Years, which pass. A telescope whose lens will allow you to take part in a transversal view of events in the world of art, culture and humanity starting from a relevant date linked to the biography of the reference artist.