Stefano Marchetti

Stefano Marchetti was born in Padua in 1970. He attended the State Institute of Art “Pietro Selvatico” in Padua and obtained a diploma in Applied Art in the section of Metalwork and Goldsmithing. From 1990 to 1994, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and obtained a diploma in the Sculpture section. In the following years, he gained academic experience as a teacher and lecturer at the State Institute of Art “Pietro Selvatico” in Padua, the State Institute of Art in Venice, AFEDAP in Paris, FAD in Barcelona, the “Alchimia” school in Florence, Caixaforum in Barcelona, and many others. Since 2012, he has conducted personal workshops at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Hong Kong Design Institute, Fremantle Art Centre in Perth, RMIT University in Melbourne, Sydney College of Arts, PUCP Faculty of Art and Design in Lima, the Center for Technological Innovation of Crafts and Tourism in Arequipa, the Academy of Design and Design in Munich, and IED in Milan.


  • Bio – An unusual visual account of the biography of the reference artist with the support of other artworks
  • Poetic –The skein of the red thread of poetics, of social commitment, of artistic characteristics that binds and connects artists is here dissolved
  • History – Years, which pass. A telescope whose lens will allow you to take part in a transversal view of events in the world of art, culture and humanity starting from a relevant date linked to the biography of the reference artist.