Elf, Korrente Design

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Wooden armchair from the early 1900s. Stripped, reinforced, and left with a natural polished finish. It has been equipped with new transparent plexiglass armrests and externally covered with a delicate midnight blue iridescent silk chiffon fabric. Evocative and composed, it expresses its new semantic aspiration with elegant simplicity. Years of radiation from science fiction novels flipped through in the dim light have caused a genetic mutation in this armchair, resulting in the emergence of two plexiglass armrests.


  • Inspirations – Works that inspire works: What inspired the reference work and What the reference work in turn inspired
  • Review – A collection of unpublished critical texts
  • Birth – New works that are born in the space that exists between two different artistic languages: original and innovative collaborations between artists and disciplines will originate, here, starting from one of the works in our gallery